السبت، 16 مارس 2013

This home was desolate tree days on the ground in Guatemala before the destruction of the population has

Destructible environments, citizen or natural habitats is the process of sabotaging a natural environment so that it is able to contain living creatures that were inhabited in the past. During this process exuding or die all the creatures that lived in the natural habitat originally, which reduces the biodiversity of the region. [1] is often the purpose of the destruction of the human citizen natural is access to natural resources for the production of industries or provide areas of urbanization, and the evacuation of areas of natural obstacles to agriculture is also an essential cause of the destruction of natural habitats. Among the other causes of this phenomenon drilling and logging and the remnants of the net and the expansion of cities. The destruction of natural habitats today the main cause and most importantly to the extinction of species around the world. [2] but habitat destruction is also environmental change naturally can be caused by fragmentation of habitat or geological phenomenon or climate change, [1] or in the event of human intervention can be caused by bringing in type environmental مجتاح or depletion of food ecosystem or other human activity.
Destroy natural habitats is one of the largest disasters facing the Earth's environment now, since this phenomenon caused by century other destroyed more than 50% of the world's forests, and more than 20% of the coral reefs, and is expected to be the Antarctic almost empty of ice during summer by the year 2012. It also represents the destruction of habitat the greatest threat to species living on the planet, where it is believed that the main reason behind the extinction of an estimated more than 500 species of organisms every day, though most of these extinct creatures before being discovered from the ground up.

Protection of the Marine Environment of destruction

Many verses in the Quran warns against corruption on earth, and we can envision the two sides:
First face: social corruption, widespread corruption in human society, which includes distractions, sins, crimes, Valhqa prevail any society where corruption spreads with, and no happiness and security, and ends when the values ​​and ethics.
The other face: environmental corruption, namely: the destruction of environmental resources, and pollution, such nature that live in the bosom, created by God Almighty you, the land on which they live and where wealth and potential, air inhale, and water you drink, and benefit from it in various aspects, and there are living organisms and plants, and the environment are: (everything surrounds man), a (framework which exercises the rights of his life from the land and water, air and objects), this natural environment created by God Almighty and put it in a balanced way, within the system and the law, and the rights to maintain this environment in which they live , that does not invalidate them, benefit from its resources within the Department of Environment system, so as not to exceed, so it invalidates.
We can understand this through the Koran, as speaking God for corruption refers to the associated environmental and public life, the Almighty says:) and if he sought in the ground to spoil and destroy crops and cattle and God does not love corruption ([(1)], فالإضرار Bahart and offspring مصداق of corruption, you are entrusted with the this environment and the successor of God in this land, and you are required to Architecture universe,) أنشأكم of land and Astamrkm where ([(2)], sometimes motivated by greed or distraction and tampering spoil human atmosphere this environment, and encroach on resources including more than it needs, you are required to take advantage of the environment and not wasting resources of non-interest, because it is not yours alone, but for the generations after you, and the tampering with the environment affects human life in general, God Almighty when creating life make them balanced, has been found scientists in some areas that the extinction of some environmentally insects created an imbalance, every plant, every creature in this life has a role, you may not know his role and its value, but God did not create anything in vain, so the rights to maintain this environment.
Marine Environment
Tells the faithful: «Fear of God in worship and his country, you are responsible even for the Bekaa and the beasts» [(3)], let's talk now about the problem experienced by our region, which is aggression on the marine environment, and the destruction of resources wealth, this bay on the coast of the Qatif, known Bay Tarot, which extends from Ras Tanura to Dammam, passing many villages and cities starting from Safavi and Awwamiya and Qatif and Sehat and you, is protected environmental, as indicated by research centers, only research institute of the University of King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals that its greatest density in the world of trees (Crimea ) and called (mangrove).
The mangrove of the most important areas of custody, care and nutrition to marine organisms, especially shrimp, in addition to small fish and consists almost a third of its food from either tree or casings of marine organisms non-vertebrate that live there .. A shelter for birds endemic and migratory, and this is what the Organisation for birds International as described this Gulf as an important area for birds, also contributes to increasing the proportion of oxygen, and reduce the rate of heating climate as Mmtsa heat, absorbs chemicals and petroleum that plague our shores, especially in recent years, It also acts as a bumper natural waves winds, has said some researchers it: helps build soil by assembling sediment around the roots prop and aerial roots respiratory in protected sites, as you refine water runoff ground, as well as the removal of organic material ground, producing trees amounts large crumbs which participates in turn in the productivity of many objects beach, and are plant circles for many small fish and invertebrates and many plants and animals (outstanding), as well as large birds, where there are food webs based on organic production of swamps Aloakat coastal.
The head of the engineers in the company (SAFCO) Engineer Hussein Stone: «The richness swamps mangrove marine creatures gave economic importance, environment rich coastal trees Crimea from the most suitable areas for breeding and nursery fish species such as shrimp and cancer Thi bivalve and other crustaceans and marine life different. In these places have the opportunities to adequate food and coexistence and put the eggs areas, in addition to their importance for aquatic life, they contribute to the provision of life for different types of birds, as suitable areas of her life and a resource for food, and provide them with means of protection as well. Mangroves also working on providing water surrounding a large amount of organic material that contribute to the enrichment of the aquatic environment around them, and increase the food of the types of marine organisms, and through those papers falling trees in the aquatic environment and analyzes to that of the parent compound. This feature of the factors that contribute to the abundance of primary productivity of this environment, and therefore Vanhsar these plants adversely affect the marine wealth [(4)].
He protected natural blessed for this Gulf, and fled through the wealth of fish lived upon generations in a row, that is what is happening today killed mangroves harms the environment seriously, these trees which are considered an invaluable asset, modern facilities can build the like in other places, but wealth must maintain their natural because the place is best suited her a place chosen by God according to the cycle of nature, but there are points you want to deny this part of the nature reserve and important wealth for generations.
Wildlife Conservation
I started reclamation of beaches confrontation to Safwa City and Ras Tanura pretext to build a bridge, despite the recommendations of the National Commission for Wildlife Conservation, and refusal of the Ministry of Agriculture, and the refusal of the committee formed Royal Order, where orders were issued ownership latest on 15.09.1419 e prevent filling the waterfront that cause harmful to the environment and the public interest, said Dr Nasser Saleh Director General of Saudi Fisheries Company that «catch in the Gulf of Tarot declined by 20% due to land reclamation since 1990» [(5)], because the landfill caused the destruction of the environment incubator for young fish.
Destruction of natural wealth
Nevertheless, there are points of either motivated greed, or out of ignorance still practiced destruction of this natural wealth, and here I hope to all people to stand in the face of these attempts, this wealth is home whole, and people in the region are responsible for the protection, they are more affected by the assault, nor I can only thank the brothers in the Cooperative Association for fishermen in Safavi, for standing in the face of these attempts, this Assembly which was established since 1391 AH, which today stands in front of this aggression, before bulldozers, and prevented the contractor that are filling, because it does not hold a permit this work, We thank them for their role civilized national, and we want them to stability and resilience to defend their livelihoods and human society, and its interests and its environment, as we call officials not remain silent on this tampering, and put an end to this aggression, as not valid overlooked these practices, and the community to play its role, especially Council Municipal, which bears a great responsibility in this area, we must stand in solidarity with them, but in fact with ourselves and our environment and our wealth, we do not accept for a tampering without standing idle.
Any attempt made to attack on these shores without the approval of the concerned authorities, and contrary to the interests of the region, and the interests of their people, it is corruption and corruption in the land should stand in front of him.
There is no doubt that the leadership of the country does not pleases what happens, but you may not hear what was happening, was reached by reports and news incorrect to pass the subject, for this we have to نخاطبهم, and pass on to them the truth of what is happening aggression on the marine environment, contrary to the directives and orders of ownership.

Why do not find true love

Life where things very beautiful and very many like love, poetry, cooking and sincere feelings and safety near of love, we feel something wonderful when we near the love and feel safe when we feel warmly chest compassionate, who loves us, and also maternity something very cool, and also fruits ground wonderful of which eat better food, so why do not appreciate the love and why lie to people why resentment and hatred ...


A wonderful life and love

If continued human as such will destroy the earth, inevitably, will destroy humanitarian rights and will destroy the beauty of our planet wonderful and will kill the spirit of man will make human without feelings and without true love and without humanity, will become human prisoner of lust and desire physical and forget God has given all things beautiful inthis planet, people must change their actions so that our bright and beautiful future should prevent homosexuality Should behave correctly and properly, so as not to anger God, we must wake up humanity.
